7,362 research outputs found

    The Interface of Geophysical and Geochemical Survey: Towards an Understanding of Geophysical Data Quality in Challenging Scottish Archaeological Sites

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    Geophysical and geochemical techniques have been widely applied to detect and investigate archaeological sites. Integrated geophysical survey plays a major role in the discovery and exploration of archaeological sites. Geochemical survey also provides valuable information on the location of sites, but it also has the potential of determining source and spatial extent of past human activities and in investigating the use of space in archaeological sites. Both approaches have tended to operate independently of each other but their interface can be of great help in order to understand the capacities and limits in detection of different near-surface geophysical techniques for archaeological prospection. This poster will introduce an on-going NERC PhD research project which explores this interface by characterising the geophysical response of common archaeological features in terms of chemical signatures and soil properties to comprehend why that geophysical response varies in quality. This should allow a more confident prediction of the most appropriate survey strategy to be used at archaeological sites lying in challenging soil environments. The research is focussed on archaeological sites in Scotland which lie in contrasting drift soils and have existing data records (geophysical and/or geochemical surveys, aerial photography, excavation records). Integrated geophysical surveys and geochemical sampling are currently being undertaken. The different geophysical responses will be determined with respect to soil moisture content, texture, conductivity and geochemical composition to evaluate the performance of the different geophysical techniques used

    Leptonic CP violating effective action for Dirac and Majorana neutrinos

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    In the Standard Model minimally extended to include massive neutrinos, we compute the leading CP-violating zero temperature contributions to the one-loop effective action induced by integration of the leptons. Such contributions start at operators of dimension six and they are P even for Dirac neutrinos and P even or odd for Majorana neutrinos. Dimension four operators are allowed in the mixed Dirac-Majorana case. It is verified by explicit calculation that CP can be violated in two generation settings for Majorana neutrinos. Using different neutrino scenarios we give upper bounds for the couplings of the CP-violating operators. As a rule, we find that lepton-induced couplings are suppressed as compared to quark-induced couplings, whenever the latter are allowed, nevertheless, through virtual lepton-number violating mechanisms, Majorana neutrinos induce new CP-violating operators not present in the quark or Dirac-neutrino cases.Comment: 47 pages, 4 figure

    A 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for the Location of Foundations in Demolished Buildings

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    The location of foundations in a demolished building can be accomplished by undertaking a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey and then to use the GPR data to generate 3D isosurfaces of what was beneath the soil surface using image reconstruction. The SIMCA ('SIMulated Correlation Algorithm') algorithm is a technique based on a comparison between the trace that would be returned by an ideal point reflector in the soil conditions at the site and the actual trace. During an initialization phase, SIMCA carries out radar simulation using the design parameters of the radar and the soil properties. The trace which would be returned by a target under these conditions is then used to form a kernel. Then SIMCA takes the raw data as the radar is scanned over the ground and removes clutter using a clutter removal technique. The system correlates the kernel with the data by carrying out volume correlation and produces 3D images of the surface of subterranean objects detected. The 3D isosurfaces are generated using MATLAB software. The validation of the algorithm has been accomplished by comparing the 3D isosurfaces produced by the SIMCA algorithm, Scheers algorithm and REFLEXW commercial software. Then the depth and the position in the x and y directions as obtained using MATLAB software for each of the cases are compared with the corresponding values approximately obtained from original Architect's drawings of the buildings

    La tutoría en el nivel medio superior orientada hacia una visión de educación para la paz

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    Las vías de resolución de las habilidades a desarrollar en los tutorados(as) requieren incluir en el servicio de tutoría una perspectiva orientada hacia una visión de educación para la paz, cuyo primer requisito y el más importante en su desarrollo sea el respeto y el reconocimiento. Es la educación para la paz la que puede proveer a los alumnos de apoyos y orientaciones oportunas para que puedan tener mayores oportunidades de éxito

    Influence of dissociative recombination on the LTE of argon high-frequency plasmas at atmospheric pressure

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    This work presents a few preliminary results from a collisional-radiative (CR) model intended to describe an argon microwave (2.45 GHz) plasma at atmospheric pressure. This model aims to investigate the influence of dissociative recombination products on the Saha-Boltzmann plasma equilibrium. The model is tested through comparison with experimental results obtained in an argon plasma column generated by a traveling electromagnetic surface-wave, which is suitable to perform a parametric investigation of the plasma. It is shown that dissociative recombination predominantly populates the 4s levels and the ground state. It is further observed that it strongly influences the population of the levels, specially those of lower energy. However, the higher levels (close to the ionization limit) appear to be in equilibrium whatever the plasma density. This allows assuming that the excitation temperature Texc determined from the upper levels in the atomic system in the Boltzmann-plot is equal to Te.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France